Dan Ukr Eng


Подробная информация о  № 11100005


Гражданство: Ukraine
Возраст: 31
Пол: Male
Иностранные языки и уровень (1-5):

English (3)

Polish, Russian

Предпочтительная сфера деятельности  (1, 2, 3...): Cattle (1)    Pigs (2)    Poultry (3)    
Опыт работы с сельхозтехникой - тип, всего месяцев, уровень (1-5)

Tractor driving - 3 month (4)

Milking machine - 3 month (5)

Навыки вождения: Category B, C, C1

 Сельскохозяйственное учебное заведениеФакультетГод поступленияГод выпускаСпециальность
1.Sumy National Agrarian UniversityAgronomy20102014Agronomy

Опыт работы за границей и квалификация:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.20113Poland, "Fruktosad" fruit processing factoryGathering and prepackaging fruits

Сельскохозяйственная практика в Украине:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.200820Parents farm. During holidays and out-of-classes.Pigs and cows keeping, feeding, cleaning up, help my parents to do all kinds of farm work.
2.20093Farm "Agrarnik Ltd." in Pobyvanka, Sumy regionPlant growing, cultivation.
Fruit growing, picking rasberry, apples, plums.
Dairy cattle production: fodder storage, hay and silage making, milking cows by hand and automatically
3.20103Collective farm "Mriya"Pig production, feeding, cleaning up, slaughtering.
Harvesting, work with tractor and lorry, combine assistant

Семейное положение: Single
Дети: No
Рост, вес: 180 cm    72 kg
Курение: Never
Специальная диета: No
Проблемы со здоровьем: No
Немного обо мне:

I'm a student of agronomy department in SNAU, my future profession is agronomist. I live in a village with my mother, father and brother. I don't smoke, don't drink, I live a healthy way of life. I'm interesting in all that connected with agriculture. My mother works in the hospital, and my father works in agricultural firm.
I want to come to Denmark, because I read a lot about it in internet, I saw a lot of photos, and videos about it and I like it very much. I want to get experience working in agricultural sphere abroad.


Мое хобби:

I like to listen to music, to read books about agricultural machines, to take care for cattle, also I interesting in sport.


Что я хотел бы изучить на практике за рубежом:

The purpose of my future staying in Denmark is to get and increase skills in sphere of animal production and to learn and practice my knowledge of English.


Мои мечты на будущее:

First of all I want to end my studying process, and begin to work. In future I wish to start my own business. I think I could make cause I'm a workaholic. I also want a big own house, car, children and a wife.


Что я хотел бы сделать с деньгами, заработанными на практике:

I will spent them on achieving my dreams. Firstly for studying, I also want to make a gift for my parents and friends, cause I love them very much. Also I want to spend money for my future business.



I'm workaholic and I'm fond of agriculture.


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